
Development installation


The Brazil Data Cube Catalog (BDC-Catalog) depends essentially on:

  • BDC-DB: a database management extension for Brazil Data Cube Applications and Services.

  • LCCS-DB: the underlying Land Cover Classification System database model.

  • Flask-SQLAlchemy: an extension for Flask that adds support for SQLAlchemy in applications.

  • Flask-Alembic: an extension that provides a configurable Alembic migration environment around a Flask-SQLAlchemy database.

  • GeoAlchemy: an extension for SQLAlchemy for working with spatial databases.

  • py-multihash: the Multihash Implementation in Python.

All these libraries can be easily installed in the next steps.

Clone the software repository

Use git to clone the software repository:

git clone

Install BDC-Catalog in Development Mode

Go to the source code folder:

cd bdc-catalog


We recommend you to use a Virtual Environment to provide an isolated system site libraries. You can install it from APT as following:

sudo apt install python3-venv

And create an environment named venv:

python3 -m venv venv

If you don’t want to install python3-venv in your system, you can also use install using virtualenv from PyPI:

pip install virtualenv

And use the command virtualenv to create an environment named venv:

virtualenv venv

Once venv is created, make sure to activate:

source venv/bin/activate

Install in development mode:

pip3 install -U pip setuptools wheel
pip3 install -e .[all]

Build the Documentation

You can generate the documentation based on Sphinx with the following command:

python build_sphinx

The above command will generate the documentation in HTML and it will place it under:


The above command will generate the documentation in HTML and it will place it under:


You can open the above documentation in your favorite browser, as:

firefox docs/sphinx/_build/html/index.html